Sunday, July 24, 2011


it's the end of a wonderful week. i love having my family in town. having us all together in colorado seems so normal and i almost forget it's just a temporary thing. i always learn so much when we're together. they make me want to be a better mother, a better wife, a better sister and daughter, a better disciple and just a better person. 

but now it's back to normal life and i'm exhausted and overwhelmed thinking of all i need to do. my house is a disaster. somehow my house gets the messiest when we're hardly at home. i think it's because we come home exhausted, dump all our bags and stuff on the floor, fall into bed, get up in the morning, run out the door and start the cycle all over again. so needless to say, after being gone all week my house needs to be completely organized and cleaned. i feel like i can't concentrate or think when it gets so messy. we have no food. i need to plan meals and grocery shop (costco and the grocery store). our car wouldn't start today so i have to call our car insurance company, get it towed and hope it doesn't cost an arm and a leg. i need to do laundry so we actually have something to wear. and i should probably fold the clean clothes that have been in the laundry baskets for at least a week. and then i have stuff to do for relief society. visits that need to be made and forms that need to be filled out and dropped off at the church. i need to work out because i have been eating way too much yummy food all week. tonight alone i had 2 sprinkles red velvet cupcakes that were too good to resist. and of course i have 2 kids to care for. and these are just the things that need to get done on monday. and to top it all off my house is so hot that i feel like it makes me move in slow motion (or worse, makes me not want to move at all). 

wow, that was a whiny paragraph. but do you ever just get overwhelmed with all that needs to get done in a day?! my frenzied feelings reminded me of some inspired advice from president dieter f. uchtdorf, 

"My dear brothers and sisters, we would do well to slow down a little, proceed at the optimum speed for our circumstances, focus on the significant, lift up our eyes, and truly see the things that matter most. 

Brothers and sisters, diligently doing the things that matter most will lead us to the Savior of the world. That is why “we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, … that [we] may know to what source [we] may look for a remission of [our] sins.”  In the complexity, confusion, and rush of modern living, this is the “more excellent way.” 
so tomorrow even with all i need to do, i am going to try to remember to slow down a little and focus on the significant (feel free to remind me if you happen to see me. i'm sure i'll need it). and if my house doesn't get cleaned tomorrow, there's always another day. but i better make sure i get to the grocery store or we're going to be a hungry little group! 

but for now, i'm just going to go to sleep and not think of it all anymore. it will still be there in the morning.


The Carlson Crew said...

Ah, Stephanie, what a refreshing post! I've been feeling this way for at least 6 months! I wish I lived in Denver...I would have your kids over for a little playdate and let you work faster. As it is, I'll just have to be thinking of you and hoping you can accomplish it all. Good luck! You're amazing!

Gina said...

I pretty much feel that way every Monday! So much laundry and cleaning up to do after a relaxing and usually very busy weekend.
Also- we've had fam in town for almost 3 weeks- and everything "home" has been neglected. It is super fun- but you forget to do things like grocery shop and laundry because you are having so much fun.
I hope you got a lot on your to-do list knocked off. Sorry about your car. bummmer!