Tuesday, July 6, 2010

it's been one of those weeks...

the good kind. the kind that is jammed packed with fun things. it often seems like it is feast or famine for us...either there is a lot to do or nothing going on (although we are always busy. but you know i'm talking about the fun kind of busy). this week was a fun feast!

a week and a half ago dave and i headed to water world, denver's awesome water park (it's been rated as one of america's top 10 water parks by the travel channel). we had so much fun being together and riding all the rides (no pictures. we were too busy playing. plus i don't feel any need to share pics of me in a swimming suit). by the end of a great day we both reached the conclusion that we are more "roller coaster people" than "water slide people". next stop elitch's!

a weekend of camping with dave's family. of course we took tons of pictures so the trip gets its own post (i always dread doing posts when i have to choose from so many pictures. it's overwhelming. but i'll suck it up and do it).
celebrating my dad's birthday (the BIG 65) and welcoming the rawlings to town! my sister and her family just moved to colorado and i am loving it!
eclipse at midnight with friends
we went to village inn before because my friend stephanie promised to be less cynical if she had pancakes in her stomach! mindy and i also sported crowns she gave us to the movie (because i'm sure steph wouldn't be caught dead in one). i was pleasantly surprised that i actually enjoyed the movie (because i didn't like the first two). liking the movie made getting home at 3:10 am a little more bearable! (bad pictures compliments of my phone in a dark movie theater)
logan's car seat arrived
i know it's a silly thing to include, but i'm excited to have him facing forward. he's been breaking in it until next week when we can strap it in!

bodyworlds with cole and mindy
the human body is amazing! how is it not proof enough to people that there is a god? there is no way it could have just happened so perfectly. incredible exhibit!
the last airbender with kari and sterling
dave has been looking forward to this movie for months (at least 6 months). it got crummy reviews but we went anyway and luckily dave enjoyed it (i would have been so sad if he didn't like it since he had been looking forward to it for so long).
the 4th of july is one of my favorite holidays. this year was a little anti-climatic with it being on sunday, but i loved seeing the fireworks and logan was mesmerized by them...for a moment! i saw a super pregnant lady at the fireworks show and it took me back a year when i was super pregnant and just waiting to pop (little did i know on that day that it would be another 9 days!). it was much more fun to have the little munchkin out and about this year!

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