Wednesday, January 9, 2008

we know how to make our dinner guests feel right at home...

put them to work! saturday night we had bill and kathy daynes over for dinner and games. dave cooked a delicious pork roast and i made mashed potatoes...and that is where our problems began. i pushed a lot of potato peels down the drain (oops) and as one might guess, our garbage disposal wasn't very happy with that. so not only did they get dinner and games, bill also got to help unclog the drain.

the guys hard at work...and they were successful! now i know to put my peels in the garbage (i'm sure my mom taught me that before and i just forgot)

this was us at another party with the daynes, but i thought i would include it on this post too. we sure love them!


Maegan said...

That is so funny. It sounds like you guys know how to have an entertaining night with guests.

Megs said...

What a good hostess. I like the way you think. Lure them in with ideas of food and games, and then put them to work. Not bad, Steph, not bad.