Friday, July 19, 2013

farewell bbq

this fall we will have been in our ward (church congregation) for 6 years (it's so hard to believe)! our ward is incredibly transient. we get a lot of graduate students and most people are renting (so just around temporarily) and the ward is almost an entirely different group of people than when we moved in. besides some of the older folks who own houses and have been here a long time, we are one of the longest lasting families (besides 3 of our friends and their families who have been here longer, although 2 of them only moved in a couple of months before us). all of this is to say, we're used to people moving out. but this summer, a ton of our friends left all at once and even in our 6 years, we haven't experienced such a dramatic exodus at one time. our friends, the smiths, were nice enough to host a farewell bbq and it was a good chance to hang out one last time and say goodbye. 
one of logan's best friends, finn, moved to utah. seriously sad news when we heard that.
my kids are huge fans of walker. he is so good to play with all the little kids.
a group photo that turned out surprisingly well. 
the girls. 
6 of the girls from this picture have moved (technically 7, since one of the girls pictured is a daughter). crazy!
as i mentioned above, logan's best friend finn just moved to utah. before he left, we had him and his brother heston over for one last playdate (don't judge us by our dead grass). 
this group has lived their [short] lives playing together. it was really sad to explain to logan that finn was leaving and that we won't see him or play together anymore (and i will miss hanging out with his mom).
the final goodbye! man they're cute!

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