Saturday, April 7, 2012

this week in pictures (and some words)

logan's "water slide"/"bridge" that he built. 
meanwhile emma got acquainted with logan's new carseat.
 logan discovered that it snowed. a freak spring storm about a completely dry march and a week of 80 degree days.
 the joy of a really big box!
 i went to check on him one night and found him like this. i had to take a picture, which woke him up and made him really not happy :(
 building a "tent" with emma. this is how our family room has looked everyday this week. it's so fun to see what he comes up with. emma has only got stuck in the tent a few times ;)
 putting pennies in his piggy bank
 pulling books from the bookcase, a daily occurence
 this girl loves to play in the bathroom. her favorite thing is pushing the shampoo bottle into the bathtub.
 getting every last drop!
 apparently logan didn't like tomatoes this night
 more fun with a really big box
 sending his train over the "cliff." he loves for me to yell out, "no train, no train! don't fall!" we do this over and over again.
 spring blossoms on our trees out back

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