we are now in the single digits of days left until our little guy arrives. of course i know it could be more, but i am trying not to think of that. dave and i are sooo impatient (and that is putting it mildly). while the last 8 months have flown by, it seems like the last couple of weeks have come to a screeching halt. seriously, who knew a single day could move so slowly (especially when you are wondering if it is the day). in spite of our anxiousness we are trying to take advantage of our last moments of it just being the 2 of us.
last weekend i surprised dave and got us a hotel room at the inverness hotel. it is actually only about 15 minutes from where we live, but it was a fun "getaway." i took advantage of one of my work connections and my contact got us an executive suite...for free! there was even fresh fruit and bottled water waiting for us when we arrived. we had a delicious dinner at pf chang's, hung out, slept in, had breakfast, went back to bed and laid around until we had to checkout. it was fantastic!

this past weekend we went on a double date with our great friends cole and mindy to see "transformers 2." dave and i have been anticipating the release of this movie for months and we were so excited to see it.
me and mindy. cole and dave drew the line when i wanted to take their picture together :)
while we were waiting to be seated the gentleman in line behind us told us his wife's water broke while they were seeing a movie at the theater. it was decided that if i went into labor during transformers that our son's middle name would be "prime." :) perhaps that is why he stayed put and didn't make his debut. smart boy! he did seem to love all action however because he was moving around like crazy!

last night we got to see the mormon tabernacle choir perform at red rocks ampitheater. it is an awesome venue as the picture above shows (i totally stole a couple of pictures off of my friend's blog because we were slackers. thanks jessica)! the show was fantastic, they sang such a variety of songs and are soo talented! we even got to see president monson which was really special. i am mad i wasn't quicker with the camera because he was only about 10 feet from us.